2010 Location & Agenda

Cienega – Santa Cruz Bi-Partisan Candidate Forum

October 9th 2010

Meet with congressional, state, corporation commission and mine inspector candidates
Take this opportunity to discuss:

 Border issues

 Arizona’s Water Supply

 Utilities: Rates, Infrastructure, Transmission Lines & Alternative Energy

 Public Land Use Including Mining

 Emergency Services/Public Safety

 Accessibility for Rural Constituents

 Intergovernmental Cooperation-County, State, Federal

Join us at the Walker Guest Ranch, 99 Curly Horse Rd
Saturday October 9th, 2010 from 4:30pm-7:30pm


4:30-5:00pm Appetizer Pot Luck Reception-Meet and Greet with the candidates

5:00-7:30pm Candidate Forum Q and A

  • From Interstate Ten, take exit 281 (State Route 83, Scenic Patagonia/Sonoita Highway) south and follow to Curly Horse Rd. Turn left (east) and follow signs to The Walker Ranch. Aprox 25 minutes from Interstate Ten/Exit 281

    • From Patagonia/Sierra Vista-SR 82 to the Sonoita Crossroads intersection at SR 83. Turn north. About 1.0 mile to Curly Horse Rd. Turn right (east) and follow signs.
    With our rural theme, some single-minded urban issues are off the agenda. An indirect goal of the forum is to encourage cooperation and collaboration between these branches of Arizona and Federal government. They should be working together, not opposing each other on characteristic rural issues including: water, land use planning, encroaching development, mining, transportation, immigration and border issues, off- and on-grid renewable energy.
    - Marshall Magruder (Moderator)
    For more information please contact Elizabeth Webb at (520) 247-3838 or vailaz@hotmail.com

    Sponsored by Practical Energy for Rural Communities, Mountain Empire Energy Project, Hilton Ranch Road Community Association, Empire-Fagan Coalition, Save the Scenic Santa Ritas, MK Ranch Excavating, LLC, www.azhighway83.com,, Santa Rita Foothills Community Association, The Walker Ranch and Vail Preservation Society-Vail’s Historical Society.
    http://rural30forum.blogspot.com/p/2008-candidate-forum-information-and.html to see photos from the 2008 Bi-Partisan Candidate Forum

    In preparing this material, every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided is correct.

    The sponsorship of the listed hosts/organizations should in no way be construed as an endorsement of any individual, their positions, or partisan affiliations. Our participation in this event is limited to supporting the idea of educating the public regarding candidates who wish to run for public office and/or learning about public issues that may be presented in the November 2, 2010 general election.